Have You Scheduled Your Furnace Inspection?

Furnace Inspection Vito Services


Fall returns with its many familiar pleasantries. The sound of leaves crunching beneath your feet. The aroma of pumpkin spice filling the air in your favorite coffee shop.

Fall is a transition period. It's a time when the hot summer is still a fresh memory, but the harsh winter isn't far off.

While temperatures are mild, now is the perfect time to schedule that heating inspection and get ahead of the game. After all, the last thing you want to do is find yourself needing emergency heating repair in Rockville, MD. For just $89, Vito Services will inspect your furnace and help you enjoy a toasty home all winter long.


Would you ever step foot on a plane if you learned that it hadn't been maintained in years? We certainly wouldn't!

Though the stakes aren't as high with your furnace, the same logic applies. The more you maintain something, the more likely it is to work properly. During an inspection, our technicians will closely inspect your furnace. When it comes to furnaces, our technicians are a lot like dentists examining teeth. We know exactly what to look for in your furnace because we are highly trained and inspect them all day long!

Annual maintenance offers a number of other benefits, including:

  • Lower energy bills. A well-maintained furnace is an efficient furnace. Since your system uses less energy to run, you'll enjoy lower utility bills.
  • Better peace of mind. A heating problem in the fall is an inconvenience. But in the winter, it's a nightmare. By maintaining your system in the fall, you'll have greater peace of mind knowing that the heat will be there when you need it most.
  • Longer system lifespan. The goal is to keep your furnace running efficiently for as long as possible. An annual inspection is like pushing the restart button on your system's life.
  • Compliance for manufacturer warranties. Many manufacturers list maintenance as part of their warranty requirements. If your system is new and came with a warranty, be sure to read the fine print for any maintenance requirements.
  • Reduced carbon footprint. As human beings, we must be conscious of our impact on the environment. Well-maintained heaters release fewer greenhouse gasses into the air and will help reduce your carbon footprint.


During an inspection, we'll complete the following tasks:

  1. Multi-point inspection. We'll follow a checklist to inspect your furnace for any wear and tear or other mechanical problems. If it turns out that something's wrong with your furnace, we'll discuss your repair or replacement options with you.
  2. Carbon monoxide test. Known as the "silent killer," carbon monoxide should never be taken lightly. We'll inspect your furnace to ensure there's no carbon monoxide traveling through your vents.
  3. Burn test. This is to ensure your furnace's flame is burning properly.
  4. Air filter replacement. Each time we maintain your heater, we'll replace the air filter with a new standard one. If you ever replace the standard filter, read the instructions so you know when to replace it.


As you tackle your to-do list this fall, make your heater a priority. You might not be thinking about heat right now, but that will quickly change once temperatures start to drop.

To schedule your $89 furnace inspection or to learn more about our other heating services in Rockville, MD, and throughout the tri-state area, call your local Vito Services office or contact us online today.

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